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Social, Political and Economic Impacts

These are the social, political and economic impacts, of change and continuity in the last 120 years (1903 - 2023).

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There were many impacts on society as a result of the creation of planes such as the ability to travel and the multicultural diversity that followed soon after as well as the research and understanding we as a human race gained about our planet Earth. The ability to travel was a new change in society, positively impacting millions upon billions of people who began to take their seats on aircrafts. As a result of this, there was also a new change of diversity in cities as people migrated much more frequently due to planes.


Tourism also became a large benefactor of aeroplanes. As aeroplanes made tourism much more accessible, humans began to experience different cultures and religions, and this impacted many people, even if you weren't travelling, as travelers would visit you. The change experienced was exposure to different cultures, experiencing different foods, flora and fauna. The continuity is that humans have continued their endless curiosity to discover difference and contrast to themselves.


Another social benefit is transportation of goods via air.  This was particularly helpful for in poorer nations that needed emergency medical supplies or in natural disasters to transport food and water, and more recently made online shopping possible across countries.


Aeroplanes and the aviation industry supported globalization. Globalization is the connectivity and interaction between people and on a larger scale, countries, and aeroplanes have made this much faster, cheaper, and easier. Politics is related to gaining governmental power, or power in general. Political globalization helps reduce wars and power plays between countries. This is done by global bodies (such as NATO) that set rules so that countries can be safer and kinder to each other.

Once the Wright Flyer was invented, intense competition for the first plane only spiraled into uncontrolled, multi-country competition for flights 'firsts'. The reason for this is that having a 'first' under your title would build much power that you could have and control. Competition drove technological advancement as well. All countries wanted this power and the reputation of being an innovator and being the best.

Quickly, it became clear that aeroplanes had a high potential for gathering information and destroying the enemy and this changed warfare from on the ground to bombers overhead. Innovation and advancement in aeroplanes and aviation resulted in power and victory in wars.

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There are also many positive economic impacts of aeroplanes. One of these examples is how many jobs airlines provide and how much they contribute to the economy. In an airport and even onboard the planes, there are several jobs that need to be filled, with many contributing highly to the economy. In 2011, the U.S aviation industry provided 9.7 - 10.5 million jobs as well as contributing $1.2 trillion for annual economic activity and over 5% alone for the U.S. GDP. Worldwide, there is an incredulous 87.7 million jobs in the aviation industry.

Another closely linked economic benefit is from tourism. Not only do people get to connect with each other, but tourism has now become one of the most 'structurally - sound' forms of economic growth in the aviation industry. Worldwide, tourism supports 284 million jobs in aviation and contributed $7.2 trillion ( 9.2%) of the global GDP in 2015.


One of the largest economic growth contributors in aviation was air cargo, or the act of transporting goods via airplane. In 2021, the market size of aircargo was $122.96 billion dollars.

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